Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I KNOW IT'S BEEN A FEW MONTHS since I last posted. Lots of reasons for that, mostly to do with family; my mother passed away in September. Thanks to all of you who offered me your condolences. But the holiday season is now here, and in the spirit of that, my publisher, Five Rivers Publishing, and Kobo books is offering a number of their e-book titles for FREE until December 31st. If you've never read the first book of my trilogy, The Tattooed Witch, now is your chance. (In 2014, The Tattooed Witch was short-listed for the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association's Best Novel award.) If you don't have a Kobo e-reader or the Kobo Reading App for your phone or laptop, maybe now is the time to buy yourself a nice Christmas gift! Click on this link to Kobo for The Tattooed Witch to get your free download.

I also want to thank those of you who have offered the trilogy so much of your support. Lately, I've received the nicest comments on Facebook and elsewhere - folks who have loved the first two books and are eagerly awaiting the last book in the trilogy. (Thanks to you all! I couldn't receive a nicer Christmas gift.) I'll be working hard on the The Tattooed Queen edits come January - I'm already half-way through them. I'm hoping to have the manuscript ready by April 1st. With luck, everything will go smoothly, and I'll launch The Tattooed Queen and the complete trilogy this coming summer, 2016.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, full of happiness and joy. May 2016 bring you everything your heart desires.

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