My magical system in The Tattooed Witch (in fact, in the entire trilogy) is based on
what some claim is already possible in our world – psychic ability. My
characters display
far-seeing, precognition, mediumship, channeling, prophecy, telepathy, and different
types of divination. All of these have been described by New Age writers as
variations of the different clairs – clairvoyance,
clairaudience, clairsentience, and so on. In my books, I take these ideas
and run with them: all of these gifts can be stimulated or augmented through
In Witch,
Miriam, my protagonist, is a born clairsentient
or empath. She knows how people are feeling through touch and to a lesser extent, what they are thinking. In our world, we
might refer to this as sensing ‘vibes’. Through a tattoo designed to bring
back the dead, Miriam becomes a channel for Alonso, the high priest who's been murdered by
the Grand Inquisitor. As a sentidora
(the closest Spanish word I could find for clairsentient)
Miriam must protect herself against bombardment. As a medium, she and Alonso
need to establish boundaries, so she isn't overwhelmed.
Anassa, my elderly Diaphani matriarch is a talented
seer. Seership is a type of clairvoyance.
Anassa practices far-sight or remote viewing in order to watch over her Tribe. Her main limitation is that she can’t be watching everyone, everywhere
at once.
Joachín, one of Miriam’s love interests, is a Dreamer.
He dreams of both the present and future, and not necessarily his own. This
kind of dreaming is a mix of clairvoyance
and prophecy. The future is never completely set, it is malleable. Joachín
sees only potentials.
Rana, one of Miriam’s rivals, is a Speaker. In Witch, speaking is a form of clairaudience, a type of channeling
through spiritual voices. Rana goes into trances and hears her Diaphani
Ancestors speak to her. They send the Tribe warnings, but usually with little
time to prepare. In Witch, Speaking
is seen as a lesser talent than Seership.
Ximen is one of my most interesting secondary
characters. He’s an old man, a living repository of the Tribe’s history. He has
an intimate understanding of every member who has ever been Diaphani and what
their lives have been. As a Rememberer, he’s sees the past - the moment it passes from the
present to beyond. This would be a type of claircognizance, or clear-knowing. The drawback is Ximen must keep
all this knowledge compartmentalized, or he'd go mad. He retrieves information only
when necessary.
For those of you who have already read The Tattooed Witch, thank you for your support. I very much appreciate it. With so many books to choose from, it's easy for any book to become lost in the millions that are out there. The Tattooed Seer is currently with my editor at Five Rivers Publishing. Lorina tells me she hopes to have Seer available this August. If we can't meet that date, the book will be launched in October.
If you haven't read The Tattooed Witch and are interested in giving it a look, you can access the first two chapters by clicking on the cover in the top-right banner.
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