Wednesday, July 23, 2014


AS I MENTIONED ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE, these arrived in the mail yesterday. I have since checked out, (Kindle version) and Kobo. The books are now available in print or e-books, and of course, with my Canadian publisher Five Rivers Publishing.

I am so pleased! There's nothing like seeing your novel in print. Naturally, I had to stop what I was doing yestserday (working on the first draft of The Tattooed Rose) to savor the moment, touch the books, and read some sections. If you've already read The Tattooed Witch, feel free to take a look at the preview for The Tattooed Seer here on Amazon. If you haven't read The Tattooed Witch, I suggest you read it first, because the prologue in Seer is a spoiler.

I've been told The Tattooed Witch is a good book. I've been told that The Tattooed Seer is an even better one. This is great to know, because the concern with a second book in a trilogy is that it will slump. I don't think The Tattooed Seer does that. (And I'm sure Lorina Stephens, my editor and publisher at Five Rivers would have told me if it did.)

If you read The Tattooed Seer, drop me a line. Let me know what you think. I'll be officially launching it in Calgary, at When Words Collide over the August 8, 9, and 10th weekend. If you're attending and would like to buy a copy, I will have both print books available for sale and signing.

To those of you who have so enthusiastically supported me while I've been writing this trilogy, thank you. I really appreciate your support. Over the next year, I will do my utmost to deliver a satisfying end in the final book, The Tattooed Rose.

- Susan.

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