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'Warriors', Book Three of the Druids Trilogy |
shape—alive with their families, not hungry or thirsty, and with reliable
shelter and safety. That’s something we’ve had in common with humanity for millennia.
What we don’t have in common is the gap between our 'civilization' and a way of
life we can’t comprehend. Romancing or sugar-coating doesn’t work well for
historical fiction.
Modern readers probably won’t accept how rough, dirty,
dangerous, and unsanitary conditions in the past were, or how the world views
of people have changed. We often have to tweak history so our readers can
relate to our characters. It’s those details that can make or break an
historical piece.
How do you pay
attention to those little details?
For your story to ring true, you must do your homework. This
means doing more than checking out a few photos on the internet or that
informative Wiki article.
Learn as much as you can about the time period and its day-to-day life. What recorded history tells us is easily laid out. Read historical,
anthropological, and archaeological papers. Visit museums and write letters to
experts. When researching for the Druids
Saga trilogy, I contacted many experts in the field on the use of stirrups
and the types of grains and foods grown in France two thousand years ago. We
researched weather patterns to find out if snow could be expected to fall in
Brittany in 90 BCE. We studied the geography of the time, including ancient
shorelines, and even discovered to our dismay that we had made a few errors in
our draft because we’d failed to sketch a local map to make sure our characters
were heading in the right direction!
When it comes to dead religions of people who left
archaeological records and historical notes from other societies, it’s not a
good idea to just 'make it up' wholesale. Your religion will seem truer if it's based on what is already known. We based our Celtic religion on aspects of
many modern tribal-based spiritual systems and old Irish and Welsh myths. We
examined, used, or altered many practices still in use today: drumming and
spiritual journeying; diviners or seers; religious holidays based on the sun,
moon, and seasons; tribal rites of passage for men and women, sacred objects
and magical implements; curses; and the gender roles of men and women.
All societies have daily rituals that may be centuries old.
Use them! Alter as your story requires. It seemed reasonable to us that
societies have always had divisions of labour, partly based on ability and
inclination. So we defined 'druid' as 'learned one'. That meant that women were
not relegated to a subservient role and could be druids: healers, judges,
advocates, and bards. This was the modern writer in action: taking what we needed
from the past and trying to honour the truth. It is the author’s responsibility
to be as accurate as possible. If you know the real history or the real way
people behaved, try not to change it. If there is still a debate, pick the side
that best fits your story and move on. And yes, we had to ignore certain truths
that would have prevented our story from unfolding. Only one caution: do not include
something that you know is untrue—you will be called on it. You’ll want to be remembered for doing your best, not
trying to fool uninformed readers.
You may make lots of mistakes because what is known keeps
changing. New facts require new explanations or models. Nevertheless, keep
writing, for in the end, it’s the story that must grab and hold the reader.
(Thank you, Barb. As a writer of historical fantasy myself, that's excellent advice.)
Barb’s Bio:
Barb Galler-Smith lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She is an award winning
author and a long-time mentor of emerging speculative fiction writers. A
fiction editor with On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic, she
is also the author of numerous short stories and co-author with Josh Langston,
of their historical fantasy/epic trilogy The
Druids Saga: Druids (2009), Captives (2011), Warriors (2013), available
through Amazon and Edge Books at: http://www.edgewebsite.com/books/warriors/war-catalog.html
Good advice Barb. Do exhaustive research for fiction as well as biography or straight history. Believe me, the Encyclopedia Britannica edition from 100 years ago has a LOT more information in it than current encyclopedias, or current books. I'm still broken-hearted that I had to leave my 100-year-old Britannica behind when I moved. Also, American author-written history differs greatly from British author- written history. Think of the different views from other countries. Very good advice Barb. Thank you. Gwynn Alcorn